Gold Rush History.

Gold Rush Adventure Racing is a Modesto, California based Adventure Racing Organization involved in event promotion, training and competing in Adventure Races around the world for over 15 years.

To see the people involved see Team Gold Rush.


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Team Gold Rush at the finish line of the 2013 Gold Rush Mother Lode 

July 2013 - Adrian, Carey and Deborah climb Mt Washington state.

May 2013 - Adrian reaches 25000ft on Everest.

July 2012 - Adrian and Deborah finish 'Climb for the Cure' summiting all fifteen 14,000 ft mountains in California.

Feb 2012    Johnathan and Christopher Crane row the Atlantic from the Canaries to Barbados. 3000 miles.

October 2010 - Adrian and Mark compete on Team Gold Rush AR in the Checkpoint Tracker Nationals in MOAB, Utah

* September 2010 - Yitzhak wins his age group at Wasatch 100 mile Ultra in Utah

* September 2009 - Adrian completes Wasatch 100 mile Ultra in Utah

* August 2009 - Primal Quest Adventure race.  Team Tecnu Extreme/StaphAseptic with Mark Richardson. 10th place overall.

* February 2008 - Adrian and Deborah begin 'Climb for the Cure' to summit all fifteen 14,000 ft mountains in California.  Adrian, Deborah, Carey, and Mark summit Shasta after which the plan to climb all the California 14ers is hatched.

* September 2004: Frank Earnest completes  the 'Last Great Race' six 100 mile races in 3 months!

* September  2004: Adrian and Joann race the 24hrs of Adrenalin Mountain Bike Race.

* July 2004:  Gold Rush 6 hour Summer challenge

* June 2004:  Frank, Yitzhak, Joann and Adrian all compete in the Western States 100 Ultra.

.* May 2004 : Tehama Extreme Adventure Races.

* January 2004:  Ados, Johnathan and Christopher  Crane climb Aconcagua with support from Joann Grether and Brien Crothers. Well we got to 22,200. Caution for our youthful members (16 and 19 years) prompted a descent.

* November   2003:  Paddle Adventure Challenge and Paddle Marathon. Two events, a paddle orienteering adventure and a paddle marathon.

* August 2003:  Gold Rush 6 hour summer challenge

* November 2002:   If you held the weekend of 9/10 for the Gold Rush 24-Hour Adventure Challenge, then you competed in some spectacularly beautiful - but very challenging - weather.       24 Hour Challenge Results.

* October 2002:  Ados Crane competed at the Eco Challenge in Fiji. The difficulty of the event increased over the last two years and the tough challenge forced over 2/3 of the field to drop. Unfortunately that included Team Strange and Carpenter with Ados Crane. This was Adrian first DNF in 9 Eco Challenges.

* August 2002:   Team Karma represented by Brien Crothers, Rod, Joann Grether and Yitzhak Gilon compete in the Raid series qualifier at Kirkwood.

* July 27, 2002:  Gold Rush Summer Challenge.  A spirited start and a strong finish on a hot, challenging, and beautiful course.  Summer Challenge results.

* June 29,   2002 : Team Karma gets involved in the Western States 100 mile Trail Race.  Squaw Valley to Auburn California, 100 miles in 24 hours. Frank Earnest and Adrian Crane raced this year, while Joann and Yitzhak paced.   Many Team Karma members are veterans of this race.  See Joann and her crew at Peachstone Aid station (the old Cal 2)

* May 2002:   Team Karma returns from the Raid Gaulloises. Team Karma with Joann , Nelson, Brian, Charlie, and Neal, ably assisted by Dana and Steve, finished with a full team in 26th position.  Adrian, racing with Stray Dogs, finished as an incomplete team of 3 with Dianette and Charlie Engle, after Chris and Marshal had to drop out.

* October 2001:   Team Karma members Adrian Crane and Nelson Snyder head for the Eco Challenge in New Zealand.

* September 2001:  Team Globalstar/Karma wins the Sierra Challenge Adventure Race.
See News for more details.

* August 2001   Team Karma Wins the Four Winds Idaho Adventure Race.  Read Rich's account.
See News for more details.

Current and Former Members of Gold Rush AR and Team Karma.

Frank Earnest, Johnathan Crane, Joann Grether, Brien Crothers, Yitzhak Gilon, Ados Crane, Carey Gregg, Carl Suffit, Mark Richardson, Deborah Steinberg, and Charlie Kharsa.

Gold Rush AR evolved from the adventure racing team Team Karma.